Employment Law

Clear and practical legal advice for managing your people.

When it comes to dealing with employees, as Leading Lakeland Lawyers we can help you stay within the law and manage your most valuable asset, your staff.

Employment law is more complex than ever.  It covers a vast area from recruitment to handling dismissals, and just about everything in between.

Whatever situation you face as an employer, we can offer you clarity, as well as pragmatic and practical solutions.

Fixed Fee Options

Our clients benefit from a free, no obligation consultation to discuss the matter at the earliest possible stage. At this consultation we will review your options and preferred outcomes, before providing you, wherever possible with a fixed fee proposal.

In addition, many of our clients consider our Employment Protection service, which is a fixed fee annual retainer, with a fee based upon claims history and the size of your Business and number of staff. This package can include insurance if felt necessary.

We can help you with:

  • Contracts of Employment and Recruitment
  • Staff Training
  • Sex, Race, Age & Disability Discrimination
  • Competition and restrictive covenants
  • Misconduct and other disciplinary issues
  • Stressed employees and long-term sickness issues
  • Employee Fraud
  • Issues arising from a TUPE transfer of a business
  • Maternity and Paternity and other family friendly rights
  • Redundancy and variations to employment contracts
  • Termination of Employment
  • Unfair dismissal claims

For a no obligation consultation or quotation please contact Richard Moore